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Product Roadmap

SaaStrive: Product Roadmap For 2023

Product Roadmap

Embarks on a journey of innovation, aiming to fortify core features while venturing into mobile expansion and seamless integrations, all guided by user-centric enhancements.

2023 Plan

Complete User Interface (UI) revamp

Integration with third-party analytics

Initiate development of iOS

Implementation of caching

Initiate development of iOS and Android apps

Up Next

Simplify the onboarding process

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Identify key analysis and reporting.

Shared workspace features

In Progress

Build a robust and well- documented

Migration to cloud-based infrastructure

Selection of beta testers

Contact synchronization

Back End API for instance Management

Already Completed

Implement continuous integration

Address critical bugs and usability

Basic user management, data storage

Conducted thorough market research

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